Bok Choy

Bok choy is an ancient Chinese vegetable that is tasty in a variety of dishes – from salads to stir-fries.
Bok choy is an Asian vegetable and member of the cabbage family. The smooth, wide stalks are crunchy like celery (although they do not have stringy fibers), and the long, full leaves are dark green and tender. Both parts are edible and used frequently in stir-fries. Stalks are often sliced and included in salads.


Bok choy is known by many names, including white cabbage, white vegetable, pak choi, and mustard or chard cabbage. There are many varieties available in , but the rest of the world offers limited choices.

Baby bok choy is sold as either an immature vegetable or a separate, miniaturized species.

Buying Tips

Stalks should be white and firm, not rubbery; leaves should be fresh and green.

Inspect for brown spots on the leaves, which indicate a loss of flavor.

Avoid any stalks with mushy areas.

Storage Tips

Refrigerate and use within one week, sooner if possible.

Bok choy does not freeze well.

Usage Tips

Treat bok choy as a cabbage.

Slice off the base. Wash thoroughly and remove tough dirt with a vegetable brush.

When stir-frying, add sliced stalks first (five minutes from finish). Save the chopped leaves, which are highest in nutrients, for the last two minutes.

Bok choy can be sautéed, steamed, or boiled, but also served fresh with dips.

• Bake baby boks whole with seasonings and serve as a side dish.

Chop stalks and simmer in broth to create soup bases.

Add chopped stalks to finished soups for extra crunch.

Wilt leaves and add to salads or mix with other greens.

Substitution Tips

Cabbage (for stir-frying)

Swiss chard

Try one of our favorite bok choy recipes:
Bok Choy
Bok Choy Relish
Bok Choy Stir Fry